Basics GK 125 MCQs on Indian Economy

by Mr. DJ

Basics GK 125+ MCQs on Indian Economy
101. Unemployment which occur due to move from one job to another job I known as:
a. Seasonal Unemployment
b. Frictional unemployment
c. Cyclical unemployment
d. Technical Unemployment.
Ans. Option : B

102. Type of unemployment mostly found in India:
a. Structural unemployment
b. Frictional unemployment
c. Cyclical unemployment
d. Disguised.
Ans. Option : D

103. Unemployment in a developing country is generally take place due to
a. Switch over from one job to another.
b. Lack of effective demand
c. Seasonal factors.
d. Lack of complementary factors of production.
Ans. Option : B

104. Cyclical unemployment refers to.
a. Seasonal unemployment
b. Disguised unemployment
c. Voluntary unemployment
d. Unemployment due to economic reason.
Ans. Option : D

105. Absolute poverty means.
a. Poverty in terms of absolute number of people
b. Poverty in terms of basic minimum calorie requirements.
c. Poverty in terms of prevailing price level.
d. None of these.
Ans. Option : B

106. Poverty gap is:
a. Different between poverty line and actual income level.
b. Gap between rich and poor.
c. Gap between developed ration and developing ration
d. None of these.
Ans. Option : A

107. When the productive capacity of an economy is inadequate to create sufficient number of jobs is called.
a. Seasonal unemployment
b. Structural unemployment
c. Disguised unemployment
d. Cyclical unemployment
Ans. Option : B

108. Poverty in less developed countries is largely due to
a. Voluntary idleness
b. Income inequality
c. Lack of cultural activities
d. Lack of intelligence of people.
Ans. Option : B

109. Which of the sector has emerged as the largest producing sectors in India.
a. Tertiary sector
b. Primary sector
c. Secondary sector.
d. None of these.
Ans. Option : A

110. GDP is the total values of
a. All final goods and services
b. All interactive goods and services
c. All international goods and services.
d. None of these.
Ans. Option : A

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