( Best 250+ ) Business Communication MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Communication MCQ

Table of Contents

Business Communication MCQ

Business Communication MCQ

181. Our purpose in a ———— presentation is to convince your listeners to
accept your proposal

A. informative

B. persuasive

C. image building

D. multipurpose

182. Our purpose in a ———- presentation is to move your audience to take
your suggested action.

A. informative

B. persuasive

C. image building

D. decision making

183. We can define a presentation as an oral activity using visual electronic aids (such as LCD projectors) to discuss new ideas and information with a
specific audience in an impressive and convincing manner.

A. group Answer: –

B. presentation

C. group interview

D. all the above.

184. ———- presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the presenter or presenters share their expertise,
and information is exchanged.

A. informative

B. persuasive

C. image building

D. decision making

185. Evaluation Parameters of Group Answer: – includes:

A. personality

B. communication

C. leadership

D. all the above

186. ————– is a systematic oral exchange of information, views and opinions about a topic, issue, problem or situation among members of a group
who share certain common objectives.

A. presentation

B. group Answer: –

C. group interview

D. all of these

187. A……………. focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your
chronological work history

A. functional resume

B. mini resume

C. combination resume

D. chronological resume

188. A ——— starts by listing your work history, with the most recent
position listed first.

A. functional resume

B. mini resume

C. combination resume

D. chronological resume

189. Curriculum vitae is known as-

A. personal profile

B. personal data sheet

C. qualification sheet

D. all the above

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