( Best 250+ ) Business Communication MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Communication MCQ

Table of Contents

Business Communication MCQ

Business Communication MCQ

11. The most basic type of listening is known as:

A. discriminative listening

B. comprehension listening

C. appreciative listening

D. evaluative listening

12. Another name for dialogic listening is:

A. empathetic listening

B. therapeutic listening

C. relational listening

D. active listening

13. Readability is determined mainly by:

A. punctuation

B. length of words

C. active and passive voice

D. spelling

14. One broad principle of general writing is :

A. write to express, not to impress

B. write to impress not to express

C. tone

D. emphasis and subordination

15. Writing style can be improved through use of :

A. jargon

B. slang

C. simple words

D. metaphors

16. All the following are advantages of oral communication, except :

A. control over receiver’s attention

B. immediate feedback

C. personal quality

D. conveying complex information

17. Teleconferencing is not suitable for :

A. meetings

B. interviews

C. problem solving

D. keeping in touch with country offices

18. One advantage of telephone communication is :

A. good for problem solving

B. permits use of some non-verbal cues

C. conveying large amount of information

D. keeping a permanent record

19. Reading refers to which element of the communication process?

A. encoding

B. decoding

C. message

D. channel

20. Reading for information about what is happening within your organization
is called :

A. reading for pleasure

B. reading for personal interest

C. reading for internal information

D. professional reading

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