( Best 50+ ) Crystallography MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Crystallography MCQ

Crystallography Definition 

Crystallography is the experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids. The word “crystallography” is derived from the Greek words crystallon “cold drop, frozen drop”, with its meaning extending to all solids with some degree of transparency, and graphein “to write”.

Crystallography MCQ

Crystallography MCQ

  1.  What is the atomic packing factor of BCC structure?
    a) 0.54
    b) 0.68
    c) 0.74
    d) 0.96


  1.  What is the coordination number of a simple cubic structure?
    a) 6
    b) 8
    c) 10
    d) 12


  1. What is the atomic radius of a BCC crystal structure?
    a) a/2
    b) a/4
    c) a√2/4
    d) a√3/4


  1. The axial relationship of a rhombohedral crystal system is given as ___________
    a) a = b = c
    b) a = b ≠ c
    c) a ≠ b = c
    d) a ≠ b ≠ c


  1. Lead is a metallic crystal having a _______ structure.
    a) FCC
    b) BCC
    c) HCP
    d) TCP


  1. Which of the following has a HCP crystal structure?
    a) W
    b) Mo
    c) Cr
    d) Zr


  1.  Amorphous solids have _______ structure.
    a) Regular
    b) Linear
    c) Irregular
    d) Dendritic


  1.  At ________ iron changes its BCC structure to FCC.
    a) 308oC
    b) 568oC
    c) 771oC
    d) 906oC


  1.  At room temperature, tin is formed into _________
    a) Gray tin
    b) White tin
    c) Red tin
    d) Yellow tin


  1.  Which of the following is a property of non-metallic crystals?
    a) Highly ductile
    b) Less brittle
    c) Low electrical conductivity
    d) FCC structure

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