BTS English For Careers MCQ ( Best 200+ ) | Semester VI Open Core

by Mr. DJ

BTS English For Careers MCQ | Semester VI Open Core


BTS English For Careers MCQ for the semester VI Open core Subject Best 200+ MCQs help in that subject and easy to understand. It will help you to clear examination of this particular subject which is BTS English For Careers MCQ |

BTS English For Careers MCQ | Semester VI Open Core

61. It is used to separate a series of items , phrases or adjective in a sentence
a) Full stop
b) Comma
c) Semi colon
d) Colon

Answer:- B

62. It is used to separate elements when commas alone will cause confusion
a) Full stop
b) Colon
c) Semi colon
d) Comma

Answer:- C

63. It tells the reader that what follows is equivalent of he what proceeds it
a) Comma
b) Semi colon
c) Colon
d) Full stop

Answer:- C

64. Et cetera (etc) means
a) Again
b) So
c) And so forth
d) Because

Answer:- C

65. The contraction of ‘it has’ or ‘it is’
a) Its
b) It’s
c) Its’
d) its

Answer:- B

66. What is the superlative form of the adjective ‘good’
a) More good
b) Most good
c) Better
d) Best

Answer:- D

67. What is the superlative form of the adjective ‘bad’
a) Worse
b) Most bad
c) Worst
d) Badest

Answer:- C

68. What is the comparative form of the adjective ‘easy’
a) More easy
b) Easier
c) Most easy
d) Easiest

Answer:- B

69. What is the comparative degree of the adjective ‘light’
a) Light
b) Lighted
c) More lighter
d) Lightest

Answer:- B

70. The superlative form of the adjective ‘relaxed’
a) More relaxed
b) Most relaxed
c) Relaxer
d) Relaxest

Answer:- B

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