Important One Liner Economics 500 Question

by Mr. DJ

Important One Liner Economics 500 Question – Gk By Mr. DJ

    1. What are the advantages of a firm – saving on production costs
    2. Real GDP is measured at constant prices.
    3. Percentage of current financial deficit in GDP is- 4
    4. Indirect taxes are by- Increasing order
    5. Tax is said to be regressive when its weight is much higher on the poor than the rich.
    6. What is the formal method of entering into trade agreements with groups of countries – trading blocks
    7. Which cost is related to minimum cost – variable cost
    8. Tooth paste products are sold under- monopolistic competition
    9. When there is only one buyer and one seller of a commodity, then it is called ……… status – bipartisan monopoly.
    10. In which market structure the demand curve of the market is reflected by the demand curve of the firm- Monopoly
    11. What are the number of sellers in a monopoly market structure – One
    12. Competitive position of a company can be improved by ………. Understanding and meeting customer requirement
    13. Basic cost is equal to – the sum of administrative cost in variable cost
    14. Increasing per capita income would indicate a better welfare if it is accompanied by- a changed income distribution in favor of the poor.
    15. Capital formation in an economy depends- on the total savings.
    16. The best example of a capital intensive industry in India is- the steel industry.
    17. Removal of barriers or restrictions imposed by the government is called – liberalization
    18. In the capitalist economy, the pricing is done by – demand and supply
    19. According to communism, who are the main enemies of the society – personal property
    20. South-South Dialogues are related to- Cooperatives in developing countries
    21. What is called the tree accumulation of records in a data set – hierarchical model
    22. India and the United States have decided to finalize the agreement related to- Trade and Investment
    23. What is defined as the average rate of consumption – total consumption share total income
    24. When income increases in the short term, the average trend of consumption generally declines.
    25. The increase in demand for a common commodity is accompanied by- an increase in the income of the consumer
    26. Polity 500 One Liner Questions And Answers

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