Static Business Awareness For Tissmat ( Best )

by Mr. DJ

Static Business Awareness For Tissmat

Static Business Awareness For Tissmat

Q. Who among the following in his book “The Managerial Revolution” argued that a managerial class dominated all industrial societies, both capitalist and communist, by virtue of its technical and scientific knowledge and its administrative skills?
1) James Burnham
2) Robert Michels
3) Gaetano Mosea
4) Vilfredo Pareto


Q. Indexation is a method whose use can be associated with which one of the following?
1) Controlling inflation
2) Nominal GDP estimation
3) Measurement of savings rate
4) Fixing of wage compensation


Q. The working of the price mechanism in a free-market economy refers to which one of the following?
1) The interplay of the forces of demand and supply
2) Determination of the inflation rate in the economy
3) Determination of the economy’s propensity to consume
4) Determination of the economy’s full employment output


Q. Which one of the following equals Personal Disposable Income?
1) Personal Income-Direct taxes paid by households and miscellaneous fees, fines, etc.
2) Private Income-Saving of Private Corporate Sectors-Cor- portion Tax
3) Private Income – Taxes
4) Total expenditure of House-holds-Income Tax-Gifts received


Q. What do you mean by Demographic Dividend?
1) A rise in the rate of economic growth due to a higher share of working age people in a population
2) A rise in the rate of literacy due to development of educational institutions in different parts of the country
3) A rise in the standard of living of the people due to the growth of alternative livelihood practices
4) A rise in the gross employment ratio of a country due to government policies


Q. Gini Coefficient or Gini Ratio can be associated with which one of the following measurements in an economy?
1) Rate of inflation
2) Poverty index
3) Income inequality
4) Personal income


Q. Which one of the following is not a dimension of the Human Development Index?
1) A long and healthy life
2) Knowledge
3) Access to banking and other financial provisions
4) A decent standard of living


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