( Best 30+ ) Valuation of Shares MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Valuation of Shares MCQ

Table of Contents

Valuation of shares is the process of knowing the value of a company’s shares. Share valuation is done based on quantitative techniques and share value will vary depending on the market demand and supply. The share price of the listed companies which are traded publicly can be known easily.

Valuation of Shares MCQ

Valuation of Shares MCQ

11. Investments are ………………. assets.

A. Non trading

B. Current

C. Fixed assets

D. Fictious

12. ………………………….. value depends on Net assets.

A. Yield value

B. Fair value

C. Intrinsic value

D. none

13. Yield value depends on……………………….

A. Net profit

B. Gross profits

C. Operating profits

D. Losses

14. Fair value is the ……………… of intrinsic value and yield value.

A. Average

B. Total

C. Net

D. Difference

15. EPS depends on net profit available to………………. Shareholders.

A. Equity

B. Preference

C. Debenture

D. Both A and B

16. F.M.P. stands for …………………

A. Firm maintainable profits

B. Future maintainable profits

C. False maintainable profits

D. Foreign maintainable profits.

17. P/E ratio is a relationship between……………….. and ……………





18. Intrinsic Value Method is also called as………………..

A. Yield method

B. Fair value method

C. Asset Backing method

D. none

19. Yield value is based on the assumption that ……………….

A. Revenue realisation

B. Going concern

C. Prudence

D. Cost concept

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