What if the sun exploded?

by Mr. DJ

In This Post we will Discuss About What if the sun exploded? Here You will get answer of this Question and Question related to this Question Answer Also Given. Go below and read and get knowledge about What if the sun exploded?.

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What if the sun exploded?

What if the sun exploded?

We’d have to be at least 50 to 100 light-years distant from a supernova to be entirely safe! However, even if the Sun were to erupt tomorrow, the accompanying shockwave would not be powerful enough to kill the entire Earth. Only the side that faces the Sun would rapidly boil away.

What will happen if sun explodes?

Nuclear fusion will stop producing heat. Around this time, NASA predicts that the core will become unstable and shrink. The outer layers of the Sun will expand as the core becomes unstable. Mercury and Venus will eventually be swallowed up by this expansion.

How long would we have to live if the Sun exploded?

Life on Earth would undoubtedly perish if the sun exploded. Because light takes eight minutes and twenty seconds to get from the sun to the earth, we would not know the sun had erupted for another eight minutes and twenty seconds.

Is it possible for the Sun to explode?

The sun will enter its next phase as a red giant after burning through most of the hydrogen in its core. According to NASA, the sun will stop producing heat through nuclear fusion around 5 billion years from now, and its core will become unstable and shrink.

Ref:- https://whatifshow.com

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