Basic Banking Awareness 100 MCQs

by Mr. DJ

If you ally craving such a referred banking awareness mcq book that will have the … Basic/Banking awareness is a part 100 random MCQs
91.Which of the following statements is/are correct?

[A] NBFCs does not hold a banking license.
[B] NBFC can issue Demand Drafts like banks.
[C] Both 1 and 2 are correct
[D] Neither of them are correct


Correct Answer: A [NBFCs does not hold a banking license.]

NBFC cannot accept demand deposits while NBFC cannot issue Demand Drafts like banks.

92.Loan disbursed by an NBFC-MFI to a borrower with urban and semi-urban household income should not exceed how much amount?

[A] Rs.1,00,000
[B] Rs. 1,60,000
[C] Rs. 2,60,000
[D] Rs.1,50,000


Correct Answer: B [Rs. 1,60,000]

Loan disbursed by an NBFC-MFI to a borrower with urban and semi-urban household income should not exceed ₹ 1,60,000

93.The depreciation on an asset purchased through hire purchase should be which of the following?

[A] Should be straight line only
[B] Based on the cost price of the asset only
[C] Based on the total cost including interest
[D] No depreciation should be provide until the final payment is made


Correct Answer: B [Based on the cost price of the asset only]

The depreciation on an asset purchased through hire purchase should be based on the cost price of the asset only.

If you ally craving such a referred banking awareness mcq book that will have the … Basic/Banking awareness is a part 100 random MCQs

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