Globalisation And The Indian Economy Question MCQ [ Best 70+ ]

by Mr. DJ

Globalisation And The Indian Economy Question MCQ

MCQ Of Globalisation And Indian Economy Question 1. Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is called:
(a) Liberalisation
(b) Investment
(c) Fovourable trade
(d) Free trade


Answer: a

CBSE Economics Chapter 4 MCQ Question 2. Rapid integration or interconnection between countries is known as:
(a) Privatisation
(b) Globalisation
(c) Liberalisation
(d) Socialisation


Answer: b

MCQ Of Globalisation And Indian Economy Question 3. Globalisation has led to improvement in living conditions:
(a) of all the people
(b) of people in the developed countries
(c) of workers in the developing countries
(d) none of the above.


Answer: c

MCQ On Globalisation And The Indian Economy Question 4. Which one of the following Indian indus¬tries has been hit hard by globalisation?
(a) Information Technology (IT)
(b) Toy making
(c) Jute
(d) Cement


Answer: b

MCQ On Globalisation Question 5. World Trade Organisation (WTO) was started at the initiative of which one of the following group of countries?
(a) Rich countries
(b) Poor countries
(c) Developed countries
(d) Developing countries


Answer: c

MCQ On Globalisation Question 6. Which of the following organisations lays stress on liberalisation of foreign trade and foreign investment?
(a) International Labour Organisation
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) World Health Organisation
(d) World Trade Oraganisation


Answer: d

Globalisation MCQ Question 7. Investments made by MNCs are termed as:
(a) Indigenous investment
(b) Foreign investment
(c) Entrepreneur’s investment
(d) None of the above


Answer: b

Economics Chapter 4 MCQ With Answers Question 8. Which of the following is not a feature of a Multi-National Company?
(a) It owns/controls production in more than one nation.
(b) It sets up factories where it is close to the markets.
(c) It organises production in complex ways.
(d) It employs labour only from its own country.


Answer: d

Globalisation MCQ Question 9. Tax on imports is an example of:
(a) Terms of Trade
(b) Collateral
(c) Trade Barriers
(d) ForeignTrade


Answer: c

MCQ Of Chapter 4 Economics Question 10. Which one of the following is not characteristic of‘Special Economic Zone’?
(a) They do not have to pay taxes for long period.
(b) Government has allowed flexibility in labour laws.
(c) They have world class facilities.
(d) They do not have to pay taxes for an initial period of five years.


Answer: a

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