( Best 10+ ) Indian Polity proceedings of the State Legislature

by Mr. DJ

GK Questions and Answers on the proceedings of the State Legislature

This compilation of 10 questions based on the proceedings of the State Legislature is designed to help the contestants preparing for IAS / PCS / SSC / CDS and other competitive examinations. We hope you like this quiz.

This compilation of 10 questions based on the proceedings of the State Legislature is designed to help the aspirants preparing for IAS / PCS / SSC / CDS and other competitive examinations. We hope that you would like this quiz.

proceedings of the State Legislature

GK Questions and Answers on the proceedings of the State Legislature

  1. What is the minimum age for becoming a member of the State Legislative Council?

(A) 18 years

(B) 21 years

(C) 25 years

(D) 30 years

Ans. D

  1. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(A) The person becoming the member of the Legislative Assembly should also be a voter in the constituency of the respective state

(B) It is not necessary that a person who is elected to the Legislative Council should also be eligible to be choosen for the Legislative Assembly.

(C) Should not hold office of profit

(D) Keeps all the qualifications as per the People’s Representation Act, 1951

Ans. B

  1. How soon should the elections to be held in the state after the end of the Emergency?

(A) 1 month

(B) 3 months

(C) 6 months

(D) 12 months

Ans. C

  1. Who can take the decision to cancel the Assembly membership of any person under the 10th schedule?

(A) Governor

(B) Chief Minister

(C) Assembly Speaker

(D) Chief Justice of the High Court

Ans. C

  1. Member of the Legislative Council submits his resignation to ….

(A) Chairman

(B) President

(C) Chief Minister

(D) Governor

Ans. A

  1. Who does not participate in the election of the Legislative Council?

(A) Graduates

(B) Members of the municipality

(C) Teachers of secondary schools

(D) District Panchayat members

Ans. D

  1. Speaker of Legislative Assembly surrenders his resignation to…….?

(A) Chief Minister

(B)  Governor

(C) Chief Justice of the High Court

(D) Deputy Speaker

Ans. D

  1. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(A) A minister can also participate in the proceedings of the House, he is not a member of that house

(B) A minister who is not a member of the House, can participate in the proceedings of both houses

(C) The quorum is the 10th share of the total members in a single house

(D) The Advocate General can vote in the House

Ans. D

  1. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(A) Finance Bill cannot be submitted in the Legislative Council

(B) The Finance Bill is presented by the Chief Minister of the state

(C) The Legislative Council has no right to change the Finance Bill

(D) Finance Bill is presented in both houses

Ans. B

  1. Who decides the salary and allowance of the speaker of the Legislative Assembly?

(A) Legislature

(B) Governor

(C) Chief Minister

(D) None of the following

Ans. A

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  2. ( Best ) Indian Polity Preamble of Indian Constitution
  3. Indian Polity proceedings of the State Legislature
  4. Indian Polity Legislative Assemblies of the States
  5. Indian Polity Preamble of Indian Constitution
  6. Join Our Telegram Group
  7. Read This MCQ in Hindi 


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