BTS English For Careers MCQ ( Best 200+ ) | Semester VI Open Core

by Mr. DJ

BTS English For Careers MCQ | Semester VI Open Core


BTS English For Careers MCQ for the semester VI Open core Subject Best 200+ MCQs help in that subject and easy to understand. It will help you to clear examination of this particular subject which is BTS English For Careers MCQ |

BTS English For Careers MCQ | Semester VI Open Core

31. Which is the correct usage
a) I would be going to Mangalore today
b) I will be going to Mangalore today
c) I could be going to Mangalore today
d) I should be going to Mangalore today

Answer:- B

32. Which is the correct usage
a) This is my own brother
b) This is my cousin brother
c) This is my cousin
d) This is my cousin sister

Answer:- C

33. It is developed ,organized and well prepared talk or speech that makes use of suitable aids
a) Interview
b) Presentation
c) Group discussion
d) communication

Answer:- B

34. presentation where the time given for preparation is minimal
a) extemporaneous presentation
b) impromptu presentation
c) seminar presentation
d) project presentation

Answer:- B

35. presentation where the time given for preparation is adequate
a) impromptu
b) Extemporaneous
c) Seminar presentation
d) Project presentation

Answer:- B

36. Presentation where sufficient time is given to write a research article that can be read out to the audience
a) Impromptu
b) Extemporaneous
c) Seminar presentation
d) Project presentation

Answer:- C

37. Which pattern of presentation is useful for a subject that has time as an important factor
a) Topical pattern
b) Cause effect pattern
c) Chronological pattern
d) Spatial pattern

Answer:- C

38. The presentation pattern used while describing a scene or geographical location
a) Chronological
b) Spatial
c) Cause effect pattern
d) Topical

Answer:- B

39. The presentation pattern used while presenting a matter that deals with problems and issues
a) Chronological
b) Spatial
c) Cause effect pattern
d) Topical

Answer:- C

40. What helps most to reduce stage fear while making a presentation
a) Preparation
b) Planning
c) Practicing
d) Evaluation

Answer:- C

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