Important One Liner Economics 500 Question

by Mr. DJ
Important One Liner Economics 500 Question – Gk By Mr. DJ

251.What is meant by mixed farming – animal husbandry and agriculture

252.Which method is used to measure agricultural income in India- Production method

253.What is the movement of people from the village to the small town and later to the city – step wise migration

254.The profit of Indian bank working abroad is a part of – Income from enterprise profession earned abroad

255.During which period the salary of central government employees can be reduced – Financial emergency

256.Which industries are the main beneficiaries of Mumbai port – cotton textile and petrochemical industries.

257.Green Banking is meant to enrich the environment by- discouraging the use of paper through technology in banks.

258.The main reason for poverty in underdeveloped countries is- income inequality.

259.As a result of the recommendations of the working group on rural banks, 5 rural regional banks were initially set up in- the year 1975.

260.Firms that make payments to outsiders for their goods and services are called- Explicit costs.

261.Demand between Petrol and Car is- negative.

262.Finance Commission – Decides on the sharing of resources between the Center and the States.

263.The first Chairman of the Disinvestment Commission was- G.V. Ramakrishna

264.Gross domestic product on an article is – by subtracting indirect tax from GDP and adding subsidies

265.The expansion or contraction of the quantity demanded of a commodity results in change in – the unit price of that commodity

266.Census of 2011- 15th Census

267.Who started the time element in price analysis- Alfred Marshall

268.The law of demand expresses the functional relationship between- price and quantity demanded

269.The law of demand expresses – the effect of changes in the price of a commodity on its demand

270.In economics, the terms utility and usefulness have- different meanings.

271.Increasing per capita income would indicate a better welfare if it is accompanied by- a changed income distribution in favor of the poor

272.In respect of agricultural commodities in India, there are commissions related to minimum support price, procurement price etc. – Agricultural Costs and Price Commission

273.Regulation rate is currently adopted in India – Unstable regulation rate

274.By whom is monetary policy made and implemented in India- Reserve Bank of India

275.Which agency has published a report titled Economic Outlook for the year 2009-10 – Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council

Polity 500 One Liner Questions And Answers

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