Important One Liner Economics 500 Question

by Mr. DJ
Important One Liner Economics 500 Question – Gk By Mr. DJ
  1. According to RBI report on banking trends and progress, the percentage of non performing assets in Indian banks in India during the year 2008-09 was what in the year 2008 – 2.3 percent
  2. Moving along the supply curve is called ……- expansion and contraction in supply
  3. When the demand curve does not shift – when only the prices of goods change.
  4. Why need becomes a demand – the desire to buy
  5. A general rule of demand is’ quantity demanded increases – as price decreases
  6. Which of the pairs of goods represents joint demand – computer and printer
  7. Which economist believed that unemployment is impossible, and that market mechanisms have a built-in regulatory system to cope with any ups and downs – J.B. Seay
  8. Who introduced the market rule- J.B. Seay
  9. What is the demand for labor – derived demand
  10. According to the demand curve of a commodity, the dynamics are due to the change in – Consumers’ income
  11. Those goods whose demand increases in the opposite direction of the income of the consumer, what is called- Low-level goods
  12. Human Poverty Index in HDR was launched in the year- 1997.
  13. Production function establishes relationship with- investment output.
  14. A firm’s …… relationship between the inputs used and the outputs produced by the firm is- the production function.
  15. Who regulates and oversees the Indian stock market – SEBI
  16. In the socialist economy, all the factors of production are owned and controlled by- the state.
  17. Economic planning is an essential characteristic of- a socialist economy.
  18. By whose contribution is the capital of the IMF – Member States
  19. Under centralized planned economy ………. plans all the important activities of that economy- Government
  20. How many C.P.S.E. in India Navratna companies- 17
  21. In the Indian economy, on what basis are sectors classified into public and private – ownership of enterprises
  22. Who first estimated the national income in India – Dadabhai Naoroji
  23. Who has eradicated rural poverty. Had supported the adoption of the model – A.P.J. Abdul kalam
  24. Indian Economic Review ……… publishes- Ministry of Finance

Polity 500 One Liner Questions And Answers

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