( Best 125+ ) Co-operative Theory and Practice MCQ-2

by Mr. DJ

Co-operative Theory and Practice MCQ-2

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Co-operative Theory and Practice MCQ

Co-operative Theory and Practice MCQ-2

21. . The main office of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of ICA is

A. new delhi

B. singapore

C. jakarta

D. beijing

22. . Expand CCW

A. consumer cooperative worldwide

B. consumer cooperative wild life

C. cooperatives of consumers worldwide

D. world consumers cooperatives

23. . Expand ICAO

A. international cooperative agricultural organisation

B. international cooperative aquaculture organisation

C. international cooperative artisan organisation

D. international cooperative arts organisation

24. . The Cooperative Credit Societies Act was passed in………

A. 1901

B. 1902

C. 1903

D. 1904

25. . The Cooperative Societies Act was passed in …………….

A. 1911

B. 1912

C. 1913

D. 1914

26. . The Reserve Bank of India was established in ………..

A. 1921

B. 1922

C. 1933

D. 1935

27. . In the ……………..five year plan the Central Committee for Cooperative
Training was established

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

28. . In …………….the National Cooperative Development Corporation(NCDC) was
established for strengthening the cooperative activities.

A. 1961

B. 1962

C. 1963

D. 1964

29. . Expand NCDC

A. national cooperative development corporation

B. national cooperative dairy corporation

C. national consumers development corporation

D. national consumers dairy cooperative

30. . In the ……………….five year plan the All India Rural Credit Review
Committee was set up.

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

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