( Best 500+ ) Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

441. A question for business level strategy would be:

  1. Which industries do we want to be in?.
  2. How should the businesses be related?.
  3. How should the business compete in its market?.
  4. How should resources be shared amongst the businesses?.


Correct answer: (C) How should the business compete in its market?.

442. Drawing conclusions about a person based on a characteristic is called

  1. Contract effect.
  2. Judgment.
  3. Halo effect.
  4. Prejudice.


Correct answer: (C) Halo effect.

443. When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which he or she belongs, we are using the shortcut called:

  1. Stereotyping.
  2. Categorizing.
  3. Contrasting.
  4. Grouping.


Correct answer: (A) Stereotyping.

444. A process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment is called:

  1. Environmental impact.
  2. Interpretation.
  3. Environmental analysis.
  4. Perception.


Correct answer: (D) Perception.

445. The tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others is known as:

  1. Fundamental attribution error.
  2. Self-serving bias.
  3. Attribution theory.
  4. Selective perception.


Correct answer: (A) Fundamental attribution error.

446. People with high self-esteem:

  1. Tend to more self-centered and not concerned with pleasing others.
  2. Tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than those with low self-esteem.
  3. Tend to be less satisfied with their jobs than those with low self-esteem.
  4. Tend to be more concerned with pleasing others than those with low self-esteem.


Correct answer: (B) Tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than those with low self-esteem.

447. The process of organizing and interpreting impressions to have meaning in the environment is called:

  1. Opinions.
  2. Ideals.
  4. Perception.


Correct answer: (D) Perception.

448. Characteristics of individuals high in Machiavellianism include which of the following?

  1. Impulsive, emotionally involved, have strong ethical beliefs.
  2. Good listeners, believe in weighing alternatives.
  3. Pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, believe ends can justify means.
  4. Maintain emotional distance, highly authoritative, believe in swift discipline.


Correct answer: (C) Pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, believe ends can justify means.

449. The theory that has been proposed to develop explanations of how we judge people differently, depending upon the meaning we assign to a given behavior, is:

  1. Situational theory.
  2. Attribution theory.
  3. Behavioral theory.
  4. Judgmental theory.


Correct answer: (B) Attribution theory.

450. People who engage in ______________ tend to perceive others according to what they themselves are like, rather than according to what the person being observed is really like.

  1. stereotyping.
  2. judging.
  3. contrast effects.
  4. projection.


Correct answer: (D) projection.


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