( Best 500+ ) Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

Behavioural and Allied Sciences MCQ

61. Chemical messengers secreted by ductless glands are called ______________

  1. Lymph
  2. Platelets
  3. Plasma
  4. Hormones


Correct answer: (D) Hormones

62. Which of the following is a physiological function that is mediated by a hormone released by the posterior pituitary:

  1. maturation of the egg and sperm
  2. water retention
  3. decrease in calcium levels
  4. increase in thyroid hormone level


Correct answer: (B) water retention

63. Name the gland that is located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the laryngeal prominence (Adams apple)

  1. Pituitary
  2. Pineal gland
  3. Hypothalamus
  4. Thyroid


Correct answer: (D) Thyroid

64. How do hormones from the thyroid and parathyroid regulate the calcium concentration of the blood:

  1. Calcitonin lowers blood calcium; parathyroid hormone raises blood calcium
  2. Parathyroid hormone lowers blood calcium; calcitonin raises blood calcium
  3. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine together regulate calcium levels, as needs dictate
  4. Both parathyroid hormone and the three thyroid hormones function to regulate blood calcium levels.


Correct answer: (A) Calcitonin lowers blood calcium; parathyroid hormone raises blood calcium

65. Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a

  1. Negative feedback mechanism
  2. Positive feedback mechanism
  3. Hormone-receptor complex
  4. Hormone-gene complex


66. Gonorrhea is treated by antibiotics. What problem has occurred recently in treatment:

  1. antibiotics have been in short supply
  2. the bacteria that cause gonorrhea have become resistant to certain antibiotics
  3. people have developed an allergic reaction to certain antibiotics
  4. all of the above


Correct answer: (B) the bacteria that cause gonorrhea have become resistant to certain antibiotics

67. The feedback loop for production of sex hormone in women does not include

  1. hypothalamus
  2. pituitary gland
  3. follicle stimulating hormone
  4. introitus


Correct answer: (D) introitus

68. Which of these is a symptom of HIV infection:

  1. swollen lymph nodes
  2. fever
  3. tiredness
  4. all the above


Correct answer: (D) all the above

69. The insertion of male genitalia into the female genitalia is

  1. coitus
  2. intromission
  3. fertilization
  4. copulation


Correct answer: (B) intromission

70. Men need time to go back to the orgasm stage from the resolution stage called

  1. recovery period
  2. recoup period
  3. refractory period
  4. retrieval period


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