( Best 250+ ) Brand Management MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Brand Management MCQ

Definition Of Brand Management :- Brand management is a function of marketing that uses techniques to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand over time. … A brand manager ensures the innovation of a product or brand, creating brand awareness via the use of price, packaging, logo, associated colors, and lettering format.

Brand Management MCQ

  1. Mostly, the major source of power throughout the distribution channel is
  1. The company
  2. The brand
  3. The distributor
  4. The customer


Correct answer: (B)
The brand

  1. New media is very cost-effective when compared to the traditional media and is highly _________.
  1. reliable
  2. requted
  3. resourceful
  4. result-oriented


Correct answer: (D)

  1. NPD Stands for
  1. national production division
  2. new product department
  3. new product design
  4. new product development


Correct answer: (D)
new product development

  1. Often, the direct consumers of a nonprofit organization are its:
  1. Consumer public
  2. Member public
  3. Client public
  4. Nonbusiness public


Correct answer: (C)
Client public

  1. One of the key tasks of marketers is _________ and to create consumer perceptions that the product is worth purchasing.
  1. To make products easily visible and available
  2. To promote sales of products
  3. To differentiate their products from those of competitors
  4. To do marketing surveys


Correct answer: (C)
To differentiate their products from those of competitors

  1. One traditional depiction of marketing activities is in terms of the marketing mix or four Ps. The four Ps are characterized as being _________
  1. product, positioning, place, and price
  2. product, production, price, and place
  3. promotion, place, positioning, and price
  4. product, price, promotion, and place


Correct answer: (D)
product, price, promotion, and place

  1. Online marketing of all types offers superior measurability and trackability in comparison to traditional _________.
  1. media
  2. tactics
  3. research
  4. information


Correct answer: (B)

  1. Opportunities for growth and expansion are identified by finding:
  1. Customers’ beliefs about the segment
  2. Customers believe about our competitors
  3. Customer’s perceptions about the brand
  4. Customer’s response about the products


Correct answer: (A)
Customers’ beliefs about the segment

  1. Packaging is called as the _________ P of marketing mix.
  1. First
  2. Third
  3. Fourth
  4. Fifth


Correct answer: (D)

  1. Parent brand if it is associated with multiple products in brand extension is called
  1. family brand
  2. product extension
  3. sub-product
  4. parent company


Correct answer: (A)
family brand

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