( Best 225+ ) Business Statistics MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Statistics MCQ

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Business Statistics MCQ

Business Statistics MCQ

91. In a symmetrical distribution, Q3 – Q1 = 20, median = 15. Q3 is equal to:

A. 5

B. 15

C. 20

D. 25

92. The first three moments of a distribution about the mean are 1, 4 and 0. The distribution is:

A. Symmetrical

B. Skewed to the left

C. Skewed to the right

D. Normal

93. For a symmetrical distribution:

A. β1 > 0

B. β1 < 0

C. β1 = 0

D. β1 = 3

94. The second and fourth moments about mean are 4 and 48 respectively, then the distribution is:

A. Leptokurtic

B. Platykurtic

C. Mesokurtic or normal

D. Positively skewed

95. Bowley’s coefficient of skewness lies between:

A. 0 and 1

B. 1 and +1

C. -1 and 0

D. -2 and +2

96. The value of β2 can be:

A. Less than 3

B. Greater than 3

C. Equal to 3

D. All of the above

97. If the sum of squares of the rank differences of 10 pairs of values is 30, find the correlation
coefficient between them.

A. 0.75

B. 0.82

C. 0.90

D. 0.83

98. In a bivariate sample, the sum of squares of differences between marks of observed values of two variables is 33 and the rank correlation between them is 0.8. Find the number of pairs of observations:

A. 12

B. 10

C. 15

D. 18

99. In a bivariate distribution, Spearman’s Coefficient of Correlation is -0.25. If the sum of the squares of various ranks is 150, find out the number of pairs of items:

A. 10

B. 8

C. 9

D. 7

100. The rank correlation coefficient of a debating contest involving 10 participants was calculated as 0.6. However, it was later discovered that the difference in the ranks of some participants was read as 8 instead of 3. Find the correct correlation coefficient:

A. 0.933

B. 0.652

C. 0.854

D. 0.751

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