( Best 225+ ) Business Statistics MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Statistics MCQ

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Business Statistics MCQ

Business Statistics MCQ

191. Standard deviation is always computed from

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. geometric mean

192. Which of the following is true, if there is no dispersion in a data set:

A. All the mathematical and positional averages are equal.

B. All the mathematical averages are equal but the positional averages are not equal

C. All the mathematical averages are equal to zero

D. None of these

193. For a distribution of data, if the arithmetic mean> median>mode, then which of the following is true?

A. The distribution is symmetrical

B. The distribution is positively skewed

C. The distribution is negatively skewed

D. None of these

194. Correlation analysis is a …………………………

A. Univariate analysis

B. Bivariate analysis

C. Multivariate analysis

D. Both Bivariate and Multivariate analysis

195. If one of the regression coefficients is greater than unity, the other must be:

A. More than Unity

B. Less than Unity

C. Unity

D. all

196. If all the points of a scatter diagram lie on a straight line falling from left upper corner to the right bottom corner, the correlation is called……………….

A. Zero correlation

B. High degree of positive correlation

C. Perfect negative correlation

D. Perfect positive correlation

197. The rank correlation coefficient was discovered by………………………………

A. Fisher

B. Spearman

C. Karl Pearson

D. Bowley

198. If the regression line is Y on X, then the variable X is known as……………………..

A. Independent variable

B. Explanatory variable

C. Regressor

D. All the above

199. The point of intersection of two regression lines is……………………..

A. (0,0)

B. (1,1)

C. (x,y)

D. (x̄, ӯ)

200. If r = ± 1, the two regression lines are………………………….

A. Coincident

B. Parallel

C. Perpendicular to each other

D. None of these

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