( Best 225+ ) Business Statistics MCQ

by Mr. DJ

Business Statistics MCQ

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Business Statistics MCQ

Business Statistics MCQ

181. The measures of dispersion can never be:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. equal to 2

182. The mean deviation is minimum when deviations are taken from:

A. Mean

B. Median

C. Mode

D. None of these

183. Which of the following is a unit free measure of dispersion:

A. Range

B. Standard deviation

C. Interquartile range

D. Coefficient of range

184. The standard deviation is independent of:

A. Change of scale

B. Change of origin

C. Change of origin and scale

D. None of these

185. In order to compare two series we can use

A. Coefficient of Variation

B. Standard deviation

C. Coefficient of Skewness

D. Coefficient of kurtosis

186. If the values of mean, median and mode coincide in a unimodal distribution, then the distribution will be:

A. Positively Skewed

B. Symmetrical

C. Negatively Skewed

D. None of these

187. The degree of peaked ness or flatness of a unimodal distribution is called:

A. Skewness

B. Kurtosis

C. Dispersion

D. Normal distribution

188. Following are the Relative measures of dispersion except

A. Co-efficient of Mean deviation

B. Standard deviation

C. Co-efficient of Range

D. Co-efficient of Quartile deviation

189. For a symmetrical distribution Q1=25, Q3=45, the median is

A. 20

B. 25

C. 35

D. None of these

190. The coefficient of variation cannot be meaningfully used to compare the variability of two or more sets of data, when

A. The standard deviation is zero for one or more sets of data

B. The standard deviation is 1 for one or more sets of data

C. The mean is zero for one or more sets of data

D. The mean is 1 for one or more sets of data

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